Thyroid is a tiny butterfly-shaped gland, located in front of neck and hypothyroidism is a condition caused due to underactive thyroid gland.

Doctor Checking The Thyroid Gland

While this condition is more prevalent in women, these days it is also seen in men. The normal function of the thyroid is to produce tetraiodothyronine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3) hormones that control the cell energy. 

Thyroid gland controls the metabolic function of the body by releasing these hormones into the blood and distributes it to other organs. But in hypothyroidism, the production of T4 and T3 hormones are reduced.

When compared to women, hypothyroidism is 8-10 times less common in men. According to studies, 80% of hypothyroidism occurs because of autoimmune diseases, which is more common in females. Hypothyroidism can occur when our own immune system attacks the thyroid gland.

In other cases, hypothyroidism can also occur due to a damaged thyroid gland, or if it was removed during surgery, or if treated for overactivity of the thyroid. 

The symptoms in men are almost similar as in females. Hyperthyroidism slowdowns the metabolic activity and may impact any organ.

The common signs of hyperthyroidism include, feeling cold and lethargic, dry skin, constipation, depression, focus issues, tender muscles, weight gain, goitre, erectile dysfunction and loss of libido.

Abnormalities caused due to hypothyroidism can be treated with replacement of thyroid hormones and other hormonal drugs.


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