Lungs play a crucial role in supporting bodily functions and poor respiratory health can lead to various chronic ailments. The function of lungs is not just inhaling oxygen and exhaling carbon dioxide but on a daily basis, it also combats harmful components like air pollutants and other environmental toxins which can take a toll on the vital organs. These pollutants increase the risk of respiratory ailments like asthma, bronchitis, cystic fibrosis and pneumonia.

The respiratory system supports us to breathe and supply oxygen to all the parts of the body. As we inhale air through the nose and mouth, it travels down the windpipe, via the bronchial tubes and gets carried into the lungs. Our system uses the oxygen we breathe in and exhale carbon dioxide.

The best ways to keep the lungs healthy and reduce lung damage is by leading a disciplined lifestyle, eating a wholesome diet and getting regular exercises. A healthy diet supports you go a long way and keep diseases at bay. In India, high population rate and a surge in air pollution and smoke had significantly increased the respiratory illness cases to an all-time high. As per the reports from the World Health Organisation (WHO), 235 million people suffer from asthma. Several pieces of evidence reveal that in order to boost lung health it is important to consume healthy foods for the lungs to stay active and working.

Nutrient-dense foods, especially those abundant in antioxidants are well-known for helping the lungs work best. Antioxidants are vital nutrients needed to maintain optimal health. It combats oxidation which is a normal chemical process. External factors like stress, alcohol abuse and cigarette smoke can hinder the natural process, building up free radicals which are highly dangerous and potent to cause cancer. Antioxidant-rich diet remarkably helps to neutralize free radicals that damage lung cells. Thus it is pivotal to consume foods packed with antioxidants to promote overall lung health. Also Read: Respiratory Health: 5 Incredible Herbs To Boost Your Lung Power

lung health infographic


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